About Me

I am a research engineer at Dassault Systèmes. I received my Ph.D. from Université Côte d’Azur in March 2023. I worked within the TITANE Team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Alliez and Prof. Laurent Busé and I was a long-term visiting Ph.D. student in the Computer Graphics Group at Télécom Paris under the supervision of Prof. Tamy Boubekeur and Prof. Jean-Marc Thiery. My Ph.D. topic is “Progressive shape reconstruction from raw 3D point clouds”, funded by 3IA Cote d’Azur.

Previously, I received my engineering (master) degree in Applied mathematics from Ecole des Ponts ParisTech in 2019 and my bachelor degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2016.

Research Interests

My research interest focus on geometry processing, including, but not limited to:

  • Surface reconstruction from point clouds
  • Volume and surface mesh optimization
  • Point cloud processing